Aims And Objectives


Working in close collaboration with parents and agencies responsible for education, we aim at promoting the entire development of the student with respect to him/her,

Adjustment to environment

Personal Growth

Adjustment to environment

To fit each student to live in a modern civilized world through adjustment to his/her environment, we aim to train him/her then for:

1.) Home Life - To prepare him/her for an effective and satisfying membership of the most important unit in the community- the home and to teach him/her to budget his/her leisure time wisely as to balance activities that yield satisfaction with those that are useful and necessary.

2.) Work Life - To acheter Viagra qualify with a suitable occupation, which will make a major contribution to his or her community, with reference to productivity, creativity, economy and fine arts.

3.) Civic Life - To be prepared for active, democratic participation in the life of his/her community and nation in the large and small ways.

Personal Growth

Through our education we will endeavour to help the student reach a total integrated personality through his/her spiritual and moral, physical and intellectual, aesthetic and cultural, emotional and social formation.

Spiritual - To respond to God’s call and to achieve such personal communion link with Him so that prayer and life become completely inter-woven.

Moral - To enable him/her develop a strong, self - reliant character which will help him/her make the right choice in values and behaviour when called upon to do so.

Physical - To develop and maintain a sound body, establishing habits and attitudes that are good and healthy, thus contributing to his/her physical and emotional growth.

Intellectual - To cultivate the intellect, Teaching to analyze dialogue, enquire, evaluate and judge rightly.

Aesthetic - To value truth, to create and to be sensitive to human nature and beauty in all its form-Literature, Art, Music and Nature.

Cultural - To assimilate the culture of his/her own country through its conservation, transmission and renewal and to appreciate all cultures of other regions and other nations.

Emotional - To increase in self-awareness and to grow in the knowledge and understandings of his/her inner-self, in what he/she is and what he/she appears to be, to regulate his/her emotions and to reach matured growth by self acceptance, with his/her potentialities and limitations.

Social - To become increasingly aware of those around him/her and their needs, to realize his/her duties to society and to develop a sense of belongingness, to accept all as brothers and sisters and work towards justice, peace and freedom.

To master wholesome social values and attitudes in order to play his/her complete role in a rapidly changing world, in the family society and nation, thus contributing to each.

Finally -To help him/her leave the school with principles and ideals which will guide and motivate him/her throughout the life, which will help him/her strive to influence, to share and to use the blessings of his/her education for the benefit of others.

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