Leave Of Absence
1. All are expected to attend school on the closing and re-opening day after each of the vacation. Strict action will be taken against defaulter.
2. No leave of absence is granted except for a serious reason. Application for leave should be made to the principal and not the Class teacher, by the parents or the guardian.
3. If a child continues to be absent for a month without permission, name will be struck off the school rolls and in case of rejoining, in the addition to the admission fees payable, his/her re-admission shall be subject to the discretion of Principal.
4. Students leaving the premises of the school in the course of the day will have to a written permission from the principal.
5. Pupil who have been recently suffering from or exposed to any infectious disease will not be allowed to attend school unless they bring an authorised/M.B.B.S. doctor’s certificate to state that the period of quarantine is over. This is in addition to the note of the absence from the parents/guardians.
6. Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence for more than a week, disobedience or objectionable moral influence, justifies dismissal.
7. Appointment with doctor, dentists etc. must not be arranged during school hours.
8. In case of absence without leave, the pupil on returning to school must have the reason of absence entered and signed by parents and guardians on the Non- Attendance and leave Records in the school diary. The same should be signed by the Principal before he/she is allowed into the class. Prior permission must be taken to travel out of the station.
9. Parents of students are expected to regularly check with the class teachers, the behaviour of the wards. Every student should cover a minimum of 90% attendance for each exam.